Fañanás Mastral Lab

Sustainable Catalysis & Asymmetric Synthesis


  1. We welcome Mingming Huang as a new postdoctoral researcher in our team!!

  2. A long story comes to an excellent end. Our method to switch selectivity in the borylative allyl-allyl cross-coupling via synergistic Cu/Pd catalysis has been published in JACS. A great collaborative effort comprising experimental work Nuria Vázquez-Galiñanes, Balázs L. Tóth and Martín Piñeiro-Suárez, and DFT calculations by Giuseppe Sciortino and Feliu Maseras (ICIQ). Congratulations to all!

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  3. We have developed a methodology for the enantioselective allylboration of acetylene gas that serves as a versatile tool for the stereodivergent synthesis of natural products. The work has been accepted in Angewandte Chemie. Congrats to Andrés and Andrea!

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  4. We welcome Théo Decrombecque from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen (France). Théo will be in the group as visiting student until 31 August.

  5. We welcome Prof. Rajasekhara Reddy Sabbasani from the School of Advanced Sciences - Vellore Institute of Technology (Vellore, India) who will be in the group as visiting professor until 20 June.

  6. Our work on the Enantioselective Synthesis of α-Chiral Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes via Multicomponent Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation, has been published in Organic Letters. Congratulations to Sergio and Irene!

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  7. We welcome Jose Luis Nova as a new postdoctoral researcher in our team!!

  8. Former PhD student Eva Rivera Chao has been awarded with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award (Premio Extraordinario de Doutoramento). Congratulations Eva!!!

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  9. We welcome Prof. Marcus Mandolesi Sá from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil) who will be in the group as visiting professor from 1 March to 31 July.

  10. Our review on Enantioselective synthesis of chiral BCPs has been published. Congrats to Irene and Sergio!

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  11. We welcome Saúl Alberca who joins our team as a new postdoctoral researcher.

  12. We welcome Akshay M. Nair as a new postdoctoral researcher in our team!!

  13. Our perspective where we discuss the accomplished achievements and remaining challenges in the field of alkyne allylboration has been published in ACS Catalysis.

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  14. Our Desymmetrization of meso-dibromocycloalkenes by copper-catalyzed asymmetric borylative coupling with alkynes has been published in Chem Catalalysis. Congrats to Irene, Andrea, Jaime and Eva!

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  15. Our review on C–C bond formation via photocatalytic direct functionalization of simple alkanes has been published in Chemical Communications. Congrats to Álvaro, Pol and Andrés!

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  16. David has been awarded with the “best outreach video” prize at the XV Symposium of the Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry UAM-UCM-USC. Congratulations David!

  17. Our copper-catalyzed enantioselective borylative coupling of allenes and allylic gem-dichlorides has been published in ACS Catalysis. Congratulations to Martín and Andrés!

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  18. Nuria has successfully defended her PhD Thesis on March 31, 2023.

  19. Andrés is one of the winners of the Twitter #ChemisTree contest organized by EuChemS.

  20. Martín Piñeiro is awarded with the 3rd poster prize in the Biennial Meeting of Organic Chemistry